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Running the programme while Social Distancing

Looking to sign up?

It is a fantastic time to sign up to the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme! The programme is a great way to engage your pupils in online safety education and to build a whole school approach to online safety a syour pupils return to school. The programme can be run successfully while teachers and pupils are social distancing, and if you have any questions about running the programme in your educational setting get in touch at [email protected].

It is worth noting that we have separate Primary and Secondary training platforms. Secondary aged pupils can access the secondary platform independently of their teacher, whereas primary aged pupils are only able to access the primary platform with their teacher present. Therefore, particularly for primary pupils, we recommend recruiting a group of Digital Leaders in the same school bubble, so that they can work through the online training together. We usually recommend recruiting a group of 8-10 Digital Leaders, however you could have a larger or smaller team due to social distancing measures in school.

Register your interest in the programme here to receive more information and access to a free trial of our online training platform. If you have any questions do get in touch at [email protected].

We want to welcome Digital Leaders and teachers back to school!

It’s great that teachers and pupils already enrolled on the Digital Leaders Programme are keen to continue with the programme now that everyone is returning to school. We know that many schools will be socially distancing and keeping pupils in bubbles throughout the school day.

We want help you to run the programme in your school and create online safety leadership opportunities for your pupils. Below, we have set out some additional ways in which you can continue to run the programme while social distancing, and some ways that we can support you too.

  • Secondary Digital Leaders are able to access the platform and complete their training independently, so if you are unable to meet up as a group, you can still set training modules for your pupils to complete in their own time. If you are still using video conferencing software, please do use these to meet as a team.
  • Primary Digital Leaders need to be with their teacher to access the training platform. If you are unable to meet with all of your group, there are some options for how your pupils can continue with the training.
    • We can add up to three teachers to the platform, so you could split your team into smaller groups, led by different teachers.
    • You could also split the group into cohorts, with one group working through the training now and another resuming their training later.
  • If your existing Digital Leader group can’t meet together due to social distancing, you can add more pupils to the programme. For example, you could have a group of Digital Leaders from the same year group bubble. We require a signed parent/carer consent form for each pupil, and once we have received and processed these, your new Digital Leaders will be ready to start the training! We can keep previous Digital Leaders’ accounts on the platform, so they can always come back to the training at a later date.
  • Once your Digital Leaders have completed their online training they are ready to lead activities in their school community! Here are some suggestions of activities Digital Leaders can run to engage their peers, while social distancing:
    • Writing in the school newsletter or for the school website.
    • Leading discussions in form time/ within school bubbles
    • Creating informative posters for the school
    • Creating online surveys, to research which online safety topics their peers would like more support with

Let us know the creative ways that your pupils impact their school community and we’ll put them in our newsletter!

Get in touch at [email protected] if you have any questions about running the programme. We’d also love to hear about any effective ways you have found to run the programme in your school while social distancing.

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