Young people learn about reporting at the Northern Ireland Digital Leaders Regional Event
Published: 1st July 2019
We held our third Digital Leaders Regional Event in Bangor, Northern Ireland on 19th June.
This month, we held our third Childnet Digital Leaders regional event in Bangor, Northern Ireland. It was a great opportunity for Digital Leaders and other young people from across Northern Ireland to meet and discuss online safety topics, as well as receive some exclusive training from the Childnet team.
Young people learn about reporting online
At the regional event the main topic we covered was reporting. The Childnet Education team prepared an interactive session with lots of activities for the primary and secondary pupils in attendance to help them to engage with and understand this sometimes tricky issue.
The day started with some quizzes and activities to help everyone get to know each other and to start thinking critically about different aspects of online safety. The rest of the day was focused on the important topic of reporting and the ways we can support our friends and share what we know about reporting with them. This took the form of a session led by Amy from the Childnet Education Team on the most important things to know about reporting.
The Piranha Pitch
The day built up to the final activity, the Piranha Pitch, which involved groups of young people pitching ideas to the judges (the Piranhas – or the not-so-scary teachers!) about how they could share their knowledge on reporting with their peers at their own schools.
We were really impressed with the excellent pitches and creative ideas, and, after much deliberation, the piranhas chose Yellow group as the winners! The judges really enjoyed the detail that the Yellow group went into in their pitch and were very impressed with their top tips.
Take a look at the top tips on reporting below, created by the winning group.
A massive thank you to Bangor Academy and Sixth Form College for hosting and to Mrs Kerr for being so helpful in the organising of the event.
Thank you to all of the schools that attended, the Digital Leaders that were in attendance for being such great examples of the programme, and all of the teachers at the event who supported the young people throughout the day – we would not have been able to run the event without you!