King’s Ely Junior Digital Leaders serve up fantastic Digital Picnic event
Published: 18th July 2022
Thank you to everyone who was involved with and who supported the ‘Digital Picnic’ at King’s Ely Junior school before the end of term!
Dan Everest, who is Head of Key Stage 2 and Computing and Digital Innovation at King’s Ely, organises the family-orientated event each year with enthusiastic support from the school’s Year 7 and 8 Childnet Digital Leaders.
King’s Ely have been unable to hold a ‘Digital Picnic’ for the last two years due to the pandemic, so it was fantastic to see this year’s event so well attended by Year 3-8 pupils, along with their families and carers.
The ‘Digital Picnic’ is organised for several reasons:
▪️ To celebrate the students’ digital safety learning that occurs in school with parents, families and carers.
▪️ To enable pupils, parents, families and carers and staff to share digital tips and advice with everyone in attendance.
▪️ To promote open and family-orientated discussions about digital safety.
▪️ To provide parents, families and carers with advice about apps and games, all delivered by the Digital Leaders.
King’s Ely have supported the Childnet Digital Leaders initiative for many years.
The school’s Digital Leaders ran information stalls at the event, where they had hand-out documents and PowerPoint presentations for families about their app or game. The students were ready to answer any questions or concerns that parents or indeed pupils had.
Mr Everest said: “Our Digital Picnic is an important event on the school calendar. There were a record number of parents and students in attendance this year and the feedback has been so positive.
“The idea of working together and understanding the generational differences between digital use is really powerful and the real experts in the room were the Digital Leaders. What a fantastic effort everyone!”